Last night's post was brought to you by cancer victim whingers anonymous in association with alcohol.
I'm not as wobbly today. Or as bevvied up. I'm sore and swollen, the swelling on the chest wall is getting scarily bigger and tighter. It's fluid-y and sloshing about when I move. I think I'll have to ring the BCN tomorrow for advice. It might need draining. Lovely.
In other news, I'm having my hair cut this week and possibly coloured. Like Natty up there. I might go brunette. Or blonde or something. Always a good move when you've been dumped and got le big C. And just before you have treatment and lose it. Ha!
This week I need to ring and arrange to take delivery of my new feline lodger, who has been provisionally named Gomez Spoonface (my niece thinks he looks like he's looking in a spoon. Will post photos as soon as I can!) I've never had a cat, but he looks like a fun character so I'm sure we'll rub along just fine.
Oh, and more disappointment on the man front. You'd think I was used to it by now. Roffle.