I support Breast Cancer Care

Thursday, 4 February 2010


Hello, hello, HELLO!

Hell, it's been a long time since I updated this and much has occurred.  Apologies to anyone who has been following this and has been disappointed.  I'm sure you'll get over it.

SO...let's begin with a boob update.  I'm doing well, side effects aside (hot flushes, moodiness, weight gain - 2 stone!!! - queasiness, joint aches, unimaginable tiredness - I'm sure you get the picture) and am seeing one or the other of my consultants every 3 months.  Next appointment is with the breast surgeon in a couple of weeks.  Hoping there might be a chance to discuss reconstruction. 
Went back to work part-time, had a ton of annual leave to take and that coupled with 'snow leave' (grief) and sickness (a lovely dose of Norovirus, more about that later) I feel like I've hardly been there.  And that feels good.
What else?  Scar is healing nicely but still got a fair bit of numbness around le pit and chest wall.  Feels very odd.  Mastectomy underwear isn't as bad as you think it would be.  Mrs P is having her fourth round of chemo and doing ok after a horrendously shaky start. 

Now we've got the boob news out of the way - I'M GETTING MARRIED!  Woot!  Oh yes.  My Facebook crush is a real keeper.  Proposal came on my birthday (17th October) in Berlin in a beautiful park near the Brandenburg gate.  The ring is stunning:-

I LOVE it <3.  I love being engaged.  A month later he moved in :).  I know, I don't hang about do I?  But when you know, you know.  And he's definitely the ONE.  And I loves him.
We're getting wed on Sunday 30th May 2010.  Less than four months away!  I'm so excited!  I'm not really turning into a Bridezilla but it's amazing how weddings take over your life.  I'm trying to keep a sensible head about me but when there's so many gorgeous little things to be bought (I spent a fortune in Hobbycraft of all places, buying little hearts and buttons and all sorts of things I don't need but which were too cute not to buy) it's hard not to get carried away.  But the plans are going well, considering we don't have massive amounts of time.  The venues and registrar are booked, the dress is being made as I write - found a FAB dressmaker in an amazingly fateful encounter - although I can't talk about the dress, can I?  Shoes have been ordered, headpiece is in the process of being sorted, wedding night underwear bought (swit-swoo!), invitations done...phew.  Bridesmaids are all choosing their own dresses and shoes. 

And it's lovely to be blogging about something other than cancer.  Will be blogging more in the run up to t'big day no doubt!  Fun!