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Saturday, 30 April 2011

300 down 100 to go!

Had fill no. 4 last week.  Got up early, had a proper breakfast (i.e. not just 2 cups of tea and a ciggie), took co-codamol and ibuprofen.  Got there early and was in first.  Asked to have just 50mls as it was so painful last time.  And...no pain!  Well, a few twinges and it feels tight as hell but I can live with that, relatively speaking.  God, what a relief.  Think it helped having 4 weeks in between too, so next appointment is 4 weeks away.  That and the endless massaging and rubbing in various creams and potions (aqueous cream, smells horrible and takes a week to rub in; bio oil smells lovely and helps with the scarring.)  So hopefully another two shots of 50mls of saline and that part of the bionic boob journey is over.  Then it's just a matter of waiting till I'm ready for implantation.  One good thing is that although right 'boob' is higher than left boob I look 'normal' when clothed and can now wear a bra.  Hurrah!  It's the really simple things that make a difference.  And it may sound ridiculous but I'm really looking forward post-implantation to being able to go and buy lovely lovely underwear.  The mastectomy bras do their job but it ain't the same.
In other news I'm having a medication 'break'.  Stopped the Zolodex and went from menopausal to premenstrual in one week.  Spent a lot of time blubbing over minor things then getting really irate about minor things.  I'd forgotten what it was like.  Still no period though.  Got the occasional mid-cycle like pains but nothing happening there yet.  Never thought I'd hear myself say I'd like to have a period.  Life is strange.

Saturday, 9 April 2011

Fill Me Up

Went for my third fill (two tuesdays ago now, sorry for the delay) and took 2 dihydrocodeine in anticipation before setting off.  Felt like I floated the whole way to Nelson Community Hospital (and that's not a sentence I ever thought I'd say.)  Told nice lady surgeon about previous post-fill hell and we decided on 60mls to take me up to 250mls.  More than half way.  Felt fine afterwards, decided to treat ourselves to a McDonalds breakfast...then half way home the pain started...and didn't stop for 48 hours.  I had to take 2 days off sick.  I puked so many times I lost count, couldn't even keep water down.  Jesus.  It still feels sore and uncomfortable.  The good thing is that due to Easter my fourth appointment is 4 weeks from the third one so that might give my poor pec time to settle.  Been massaging it with acqueous cream and bio oil in the hope that that'll help some.  Big sigh.  Still, only 150mls and three more fills to go.  If I can manage 50mls a time that is...need better painkillers for next time.  Anyone got any painkiller advice?  For nerve pain?  I'll give you a big kiss if you have.

Got an email from university this week saying I've got a big fat fail.  Should have had exam and case study submitted in December but deferred due to Mrs P dying.  I can void the mark and sit the exam and submit the case study NEXT MONTH.  That's, like, next month.  Hell.  What's better, a fail because you don't sit the exam or a fail because you do?  What a quandary.

It's absolutely beautiful outside and I have to go into work this weekend.  Can you imagine how happy that makes me feel?  Can you?