I support Breast Cancer Care

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Are we nearly there yet?

Yes we are!  Had my penultimate fill this morning, another 50mls administered by a nervous, nice wee registrar.  That means another 50mls in 2 weeks and THAT'S IT.  Feeling good so far, no pain and not too tight.  Will keep taking the painkillers though, don't want to tempt fate.  So.  Brill.  Hopefully will get to know what the plan is at next appointment as to when implants will be put in.  Nice lady surgeon admired my cleavage this morning.  Funny how little things can make you feel happy.

Another little thing that would normally not make me happy but did this morning was this.  Dear readers if you've been following this sporadic, random and rambling blog you will know that following my diagnosis I was put on toxic phlegm and Zolodex (nasty, nasty side effects making you menopausal, fat and wickedly moody among other things)and have recently come off both of them.  Not under medical supervision I hasten to add, just because I was f**ed off and craving a quality of life and, of course, there was the fertility stuff.  At my last onc appointment I was told I might have gone through the menopause and was a tad upset at the thought.  But, dear readers, this morning I started a period!  Oh my.  I went for a wee and there it was, looking up at me, long time no see.  So, although this doesn't mean a whole lot in the scheme of things (it's not automatically going to follow that I fall pregnant at the first attempt obv) it does mean that it's unlikely that I'm menopausal, which is just ace.  Psychologically it's mighty gratifying.  Whoop.

This coming monday is my wedding anniversary.  I've been married to the fabulous Mr F for a year now <3.  How time flies!  We will be celebrating in style by going to Northcote Manor like we're people with money (we aren't, but that's what credit cards are for.)

Fitter happier news - I lost a lb!  A whole lb!  And I was bloated and pre-menstrual.  I've been going mad on the Wii and only eating goodness with a little treat here and there to stop me going completely mental.  I do feel better for it.  Now two weeks to go and I'll be giving up le fags.  I'm dreading that.  Bugger.

Love to y'all!

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