Hello! Oh, I'm so rubbish lately at updating this blog thing. I wish it was because I have a massive social life but it isn't. I really am just rubbish.
Caturday first! Yes, the cat has arrived and is disrupting my life. It's very much like suddenly having a baby without the being pregnant bit (obv); I was ill-prepared for the fact that he likes to hide in places (I know babies don't do that) and keep me up all night wow-ing (babies do that) and mew for stuff when he's been fed and cat littered and cuddled to death and I DON'T KNOW WHAT HE WANTS. Babies definitely do that. But he's cute and has a face only a mother could love. Cat-mother. Look at him! When we (fab sis-in-law and tiny niece) arrived to pick him up the lady that was fostering him wasn't in...she'd got all wobbly about him going. So her comedy neighbour had to let us in her house to try and find his stuff and coax him out from under the bush (NOT a euphemism.) We couldn't see a cat carrier, so he had to be ferried down the A59 sat on his rug thing on my lap in the car; he was effectively catnapped. He seems to be settling in a bit better every day, he no longer hides under the bed or behind the telly, and we are bonding slowly. Now if he could only stop the night time wow-ing things would be dandy. Since two people have referred to him as Cosmo, and as it sounds a bit like Gizmo, and can also be shortened to Mo, that will be his new name. Cosmo. Meow!
Ah, yes, the cancer thing. Saw the onocologist on friday, was given all the statistics which I tried to understand, heard the bit about chemo having less than a 5% chance of improving my survival rates and that the lump was just less than 2 cm and there was no node spread (fuck me!) and decided to say NO to chemo. So that's bloody brilliant. I'll be having Tamoxifen (ace side effects - bad mood swings so now I can be nasty and bitchy and blame it on drugs - hurrah!) and Zolodex to suppress my ovaries. So no babies for 2 years, but by then I might have got used to the cat. Felt strangely deflated after that, I mean it's brilliant news that I don't have to have chemo but...I dunno. The cancer's gone, so has the right breast, but that's not really the end of things. Just feels a bit...odd. Whatevs. NO FUCKING CHEMO! W00t!
What else? Oh, went for a physio and support group thing at a nearby hospice (I know, I thought the same thing when they told me where it was) which sounded fab and I wanted to join up to their cancer ladies coming on a monday and having their feet rubbed and being made up and having me time but I don't come under their jurisdiction. Which is pants.
CE came over today, top tonic that she is, took me for lunch at Breda Murphy's - ace place. We had wine and halloumi kebabs and goat's cheese parcels and sea bass with warm potato salad and warm orange cake and sorbet and rhubarb and ginger creme brulee (say that in a Lancs accent) and maple biscuits and oh it was lovely! I only remembered I didn't like rhubarb after I'd ordered but it was still nom. Then we looked at fabulous overpriced shoes (I hankered after some tangerine plastic Viv Westwood sandals that smelled of bubble bum - oh yes) and jewellery and then I bought the cat a present. It's a tangerine flapjack, a sort of toy dog thing. He was seriously unimpressed, but then I imagine that if I bought him a diamond encrusted litter tray with a built in cocktail bar and jacuzzi he'd still be seriously unimpressed. Apparently that's cats for you.
Virtual crush update - we are engaged. How mad is that? Mad but brilliant :o). Rowr!
Upcoming stuff to blog about - prosthesis fitting next Tuesday. Temporary boob :o). Watch this space. Pun intended.
Tra fer now!
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