I had to go and have the seroma drained again yesterday. Another 250 mls. How fecking tedious. The real bummer is that it's already filling up again. I don't know whether it's because it's *that* time of the month or it's the thought of another 6 weeks at least off sick and the associated Groundhog Day TV or the thought of this seroma coming back with a vengeance every time it's drained or the fact that I don't know what's coming next regarding treatment but...I feel a bit shit really. I'm still in my pyjamas, haven't brushed my hair (now just like Natty's! Will post photos when I feel like it) or teeth, am watching Saturday Kitchen and titting about on the interweb. I have no motivation to do anything, but am bored with doing nothing.
Last night four work chums came round and we had lovely food and wine and a good gossip. I wore my softie in an effort to at least look 'normal', but any slight movements and it popped out to give the appearance of having three boobs, which I suppose is an improvement on one? At some point I'll have a fitting for a prosthesis which will be better and will hopefully stay bra-bound at least.
Oh! For those of you who believe in angels here's something...tuesday after the trio of clerks left (and this may have been the Bacardi Black) I was standing outside waving them off with my good arm, when I saw this strange white light hovering about my head. It stayed there for about 10 seconds then flew up and disappeared. And this morning there's a white feather in my lounge. If that's my guardian angel then they want to get their arse in gear and do some guardian-ing.
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