The cat has settled in well and is behaving as though he's the one in charge, which I gather is how it's supposed to be. The only problem is his propensity to want to have a conversation at 2am, 3am and sometimes after...he makes a massive fuss of me first thing in the morning and then spends the rest of the day ignoring me. It's been grand weather here and it's a shame he can't go out yet...I might buy him a lead and at least then he can go out in the back garden. Cat on a lead! Uncharacteristically he's sat next to me now, having a wash, probably because I've given him roast chicken sent up by Mrs P. Cupboard love.
I went to see Mr W on friday, the breast surgeon. He has very big hands. He basically said that the mastectomy was the right choice as the tumour was multi focal; so as well as the tumour taken at lumpectomy, and the 4mm margin removed with the breast tissue at mastectomy, there were two other small tumours. Scary. Anyway, as I have such 'modest breast tissue' (small tits) that had they done a WLE (Wide Local Excision) it would have taken a significant amount of breast tissue away so as to leave the breast looking I thought I might as well have the whole lot off. Nothing to do with the boob job I'll then get in 12 months. Oh no. ETA: Forgot to mention that the seroma was drained again and they got about 80 mls off, which is better...less than last time. It feels really tight around the chest and under the arm but I'm hoping I won't need to have any more fluid drained off and it'll settle down. 'Cos that would be brilliant.
I've been putting off starting the Tamoxifen (called Toxic Phlegm by my BCC buddy's kids - hello A!) but am going to take my first one RIGHT NOW. Done.
I have another 4 weeks off work at least, depending on how the arm/chest/seroma does and so I really need to get out more and do stuff and not spend so much time arsing around on the internet, or watching shite telly, or just doing nothing...tomorrow I am aiming to go to the cinema to watch (500) Days Of Summer and buy a cat lead. Tuesday I have my prosthesis fitting and so will combine that with a little retail therapy. Nothing too over the top. And Wednesday I'm taking fab sis-in-law out to lunch...
Will report back after my falsie fitting.
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